Entrepreneur Mentor
Entrepreneurial Mentorship will give perspective and guidance to those who are already working in roles executive roles or entrepreneurs established in their industry or field that have teams to support and maintain their business. These individuals have roles that cater to overseeing teams, brands, or a company. Their businesses are already seeing revenue, have customers/consumers, valuable leverage professionally, and/or viable references. These entrepreneurs seek leadership advice that pertain to company culture, personnel change, establishing team/company communication, improving company morale, improving executive and subordinate team management, how to prepare or transition into a new role/team, how to manage personnel changes. This may also include but is not limited to mentorship regarding managing multiple titles at once, anything to do with resolving, improving, maintaining or managing their current roles, businesses, and/or teams.
Discount Offer until January 2025
$100 off your daily priced package when you refer a person and they sign up
- $225 per day x three day minimum per week
- minimum two weeks per month
- up to two hour zoom call, unlimited text & emails, audio calls before 5pm M-F
- Includes Resources / tools provided to facilitate goals
Day 1 - Business / Professional Analysis
Day 2 - Personal & Professional Direction + Resources
Day 3 - Updates on Day 1 and 2 + Q/A’s
NOT necessary; Additional Perk:
For Access to any/all Global Exec. Contacts to Media, Celebs/Talent, and Industry Events; all industries = Price would increase $275.00 ... + $330.00 = $600.00 per day
- $325 per day x two days a week
- minimum two weeks per month
- Up to 1.5 hr zoom call
- Unlimited text M-F and email
- Limited Days for non zoom Call times before 5 pm
Day 1 - Business Analysis & Executive Development + Resources
Day 2 - Updates on day 1
- $550 one day a week
- minimum three weeks per month
- Up to 1hr zoom call
- Unlimited emails M-F
- Business Analysis + Q & A’s
Processing fees and taxes are added at checkout